February 9, 2015


An electric current runs through my heart,
the spark brings my body to life and 
I dance to the pulsing metronome. 
The beat that structures my existence 
ultimately leads me to my final destination. 

Endorphins run rampant through my brain,
my central oh so nervous system, pituitary gland
in overdrive in response to external stimuli. 
I'm not all that funny, all that unique, 
but more or less a tangled web of nerves.

Sensations of pain spike through my chapped lips.
I tend to bite down, trying to contain myself 
and the laughter spilling out during
the points in the conversation that pleasantly
surprise me with their warmth and wit.

Sound waves vibrate my ear drum,
A chain reaction of bones and fluid moving, 
a compound, domino effect exciting my nerves. 
It's the biological effect of a conversation,
a moment in time shared between two people. 

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