October 7, 2018


In the face of death,
she was unafraid.
In the face of life, 
he feared for the flowers.


When the flowers wilted, their colors
turning from passion to distance,
he simply resigned his post in the garden. 

The sun bowed its head in shame, 
in exhaustion, in disbelief. 
Succumbed to its cycle of death, 
patiently awaiting dawn's rebirth. 

And as she danced in the moonlight, 
peering past nightmares and fear, 
she wandered into a court of dreams.


I love one thousand
people before breakfast and
they all break my heart.

Nevertheless, She Persisted.

I released you from my bone marrow today. 
Felt fiery swirls dissipate into the usual reds and yellows, 
a passion radiating from focal points in my body that




You exited through sighs, your grip followed as I
wrapped myself around my body, my voice, my power
stored within 5 ft 3 in of a compact home containing 
more art inside than you could bear to let exist. 
How does it feel to have that beauty stolen from you,
knowing the moment I removed myself from your walls
I found the wings you pinned in your curated collection.




Your existence faded through modern measures,
ever evolving strategies to create an emotional distance
mirroring marathons and triathlons and sails around the world.
I may fly too close to the sun, burning brightly as I tumble, 
but I learned how to wade the waters of vast oceans 
before you realized you could crawl, walk, run towards your dream(s). 
I fought battles and wars, and in return was gifted my wings when




Untitled, Under Appreciated

My words are a gift, 
each measured and tailored to
the size of the space.