November 20, 2023


I can’t find my box of masks.⁣⁣    

thin layers I stretch across my face, safety from viruses invisible, tangible, deadly⁣⁣, their presence marked by⁣⁣ absence. who’s in a space, who⁣⁣’s only whispers of memory⁣⁣ now.⁣⁣    
Baba, I miss you more than words⁣⁣, I’m⁣ grateful you moved on before⁣⁣ this time of expedited death. ⁣⁣you were worth so much more⁣⁣ than colonization, than forced⁣⁣ migration, than hueless, empty⁣⁣ shells of calloused peoples whose⁣⁣ understanding of relationship⁣⁣ is domination and power over.⁣⁣    
I can’t find my box of masks.⁣⁣    
I lost it years ago, before⁣⁣ knowing what was inside.⁣⁣ colorful variations of “it’s fine,”⁣⁣ “it’s not a big deal,” “don’t worry⁣⁣ about it,” don’t worry about it⁣⁣ hurting, I know to tend to my wounds, cut by explanations and excuses⁣⁣.   
Baba, thank you for seeing me fully, thank you for the comfort⁣⁣ of shared silence when there was ⁣⁣so much we never got to speak of. I wonder what words you’d have for ⁣⁣survival and strength and joy now.⁣⁣ there are so many questions that⁣⁣ linger, sit loudly and heavy in the air,⁣⁣ I hope to ask you when it’s my ⁣⁣time to rest, I think about ⁣⁣ death, every day. every day, I think about death.   
I can’t find my box of masks.⁣⁣    
and the tears won’t stop flowing,⁣⁣    
and the tears won’t stop flowing,⁣⁣    
and the tears won’t stop flowing.⁣⁣    
Baba, I didn’t consent into this world,⁣⁣ its roots in white supremacy,⁣⁣ its proud trunk of hateful ideologies branching out through targeted violence.⁣⁣ you taught me about educated ⁣⁣ignorance, prepared me for people⁣⁣ crafting sophisticated⁣⁣ ways to justify death and oppression,⁣⁣ souls twisted, contorted into cruelty.⁣⁣ my heritage prepared me for “lizzy’s in⁣⁣ a box,” and so is our stolen culture trapped in institutions and algorithms, goat yoga and chai tea and henna freckles.   
Baba, I am overwhelmed and frightened, angry and hopeful, I love and miss you. 
I can’t find the thin layers to stretch across my heart, protection from members of the death cult of “whiteness.” 
Baba, I can’t find my box of masks.


they accused us of importing,⁣⁣

they accused us of importing ⁣⁣
apples, as all those traveling ⁣⁣
from the “other” do, while they⁣⁣
import violence & death cults⁣⁣
in the name of white supremacy⁣⁣
they accused us of importing⁣⁣
apples, claimed it wasn’t profiling,⁣⁣
said they keep it fair, rotate ⁣⁣
through peoples as they please⁣⁣
they accused us of importing⁣⁣
apples, and you know what’s ⁣⁣
funny I just made an apple out⁣⁣
of earth and these two hands⁣⁣
and this heritage born out of ⁣⁣
forced migration, forced famine,⁣⁣
forced resistance and you, you⁣⁣
wouldn’t have caught it because⁣⁣
while you’re secure in violence⁣⁣
me and mines are secured by ⁣⁣
they accused us of importing⁣⁣
apples, well technically me and⁣⁣
mines curry, but his apples, and⁣⁣
I asked, when’s the last time you⁣⁣
acknowledged your import of⁣⁣
spiritual desperation and screened ⁣⁣
it through x-rays and your mythical ⁣⁣
borders and your appetite for violence⁣⁣
they accused us of importing⁣⁣
apples, well jokes on you, I ⁣⁣
exported a fruit bowl for a ⁣⁣
made, handled with care across⁣⁣
hearts more expansive than what⁣⁣
you seem to be capable of, and⁣⁣
it should, it should frighten you⁣⁣
because we’re not talking about⁣⁣
apples anymore, we’re talking⁣⁣
about entire orchards of care
they accused us of importing⁣⁣
apples, because an apple a day⁣⁣
keeps the doctor away and care⁣⁣
and connection are a threat to⁣⁣
their sickly, decaying empire⁣⁣
they accused us of importing⁣⁣
apples, and little did they know⁣⁣
the radical love we traveled with,⁣⁣
tucked away in every pocket⁣⁣
of our existence on shared earth⁣⁣
they accused us of importing,⁣⁣