While tidying up my apartment on a rainy Saturday afternoon, I came across a letter I received years ago. Woven into the content was a description of a woman who took on the world to distract herself from what was in front of her. At the time, I read it as a criticism.
It seemed to imply that I
did too much,
committed to too much,
was too much.
Fast forward to last year, I found myself still receiving this "feedback." It was no longer in writing and instead was sprinkled throughout conversations.
It seemed to imply that I
asked for too much,
cared too much,
was too much.
So, in the spirit of self-development I spent some time reflecting on my life thus far. On competing in the final round of Olympic Team Trials, on traveling to oh so many different pockets of the US and the world to spend time with friends and family, on doubling my salary in tech in under four years, on loving people so much and surviving my heart shattering repeatedly.
It seemed to imply that I
lived too much,
loved too much,
was too much.
For all the women who've been told they're too much.
For all the womyn who've been told they're too much.
For all the femme who've been told they're too much.
For all the butch who've been told they're too much.
For all the sisters who've been told they're too much.
For all the too much.
To live life in explosive color
is civil disobedience.
We don't lead with warnings,
we move straight to the threat.
Like thunder we bellow, we tumble,
before we spark fire across the skies.
We are marigolds and sunflowers,
precious petals absorbing life
directly from the source.
I, too, would be in awe of our
graceful curves, sensing
the power lurking within.
We serve as touch points,
foundations for weary feet
and restless souls.
We literally grant life,
figuratively nurture it as
beacons of our communities,
physically return it when we
enter our final slumber, for
god knows we get too little sleep.
We feel the tears of the ocean, the
sighs of the rain, the intoxicating
hope of the sky. Our hearts are
bird calls, we know what it is to fly,
to have our wings reflect hope and
our bellies shine with radiance.
We dress in our own skins, coats so
fine even royalty is compelled to
recognize power. They'll respond
with cages, with lotus flowers, with
ever shifting rules and laws and
regulations to contain our witchcraft.
For all the too much.
For all the sisters who've been told they're too much.
For all the butch who've been told they're too much.
For all the femme who've been told they're too much.
For all the womyn who've been told they're too much.
For all the women who've been told they're too much.
It is you who taught me to accept the compliment.
I live too much, love too much, am too much.
It is you who taught me to accept the compliment.
I ask for too much, care too much, am too much.
It is you who I say prayers to, arms folded,
hands clasped, head bowed in acknowledgment.
I do too much, commit to too much, am too much.
I am yours, full of gratitude,
with love, and in remembrance.
I humbly follow the path you blaze.
And I will strive to be even more
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