November 26, 2018

"It's not quite the same, but I feel you so closely."

sometimes bruises look like tea leaves.

you're not quite sure what they're saying
but you know there's a story and a message 
and they're kind of like midnight 

swirls of blues and purples
that will evaporate, be forgotten
until the next time...
and given such a bad rap, but
they're just as much healing as they are pain

... and scars
scars are unsung heroes 
literally connective tissue that holds us together 
when we split open 

in chaos, they provide structure 
protein literally cross-linking 
and yet, despite their best efforts 
to fix what's broken and protect what's inside 
they wind up being less resistant than just leaning into chaos

and why is red so frightening
what about 
passion and intensity and anger
scares us when, without it,
we wouldn't understand blue 
and wouldn't have a frame of reference
for understanding cool distance.
and why do we think we can control yellow,
entranced by bright and happy and yet 
it's a sign of our bodies failing.
and don't get me started on poor brown 
on how the earth and tree trunks and 
the backgammon case from 
home once upon a time 
how brown is comfort and 
feels like manageable warmth.

sometimes bruises look like tea leaves.

and I wonder... why search anywhere else 
for signs, premonitions, or gods
when everything you need to know
can be found at the bottom of the bruises?

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