September 19, 2022

Call and Response

we should love ourselves 
so fiercely, 
that when others see us
they know exactly
how it should be.

~ Rudy Francisco ~

if we loved each other
so fiercely, 
when others see us, 
they believe exactly 
how it could be done.

~                       ~

ngl. I burst out in tears at the
thought of stepping back
into everything today / 
tomorrow. stepping back
into spaces where practicing
consent and boundaries
feels so overwhelming. 
stepping back into the less
visible work, the care work, 
the after-care work the work
that isn't glorified and sexy. 
stepping back into naming
the quiet part out loud, 
rooted in hope that people
genuinely want something
more well and more whole
than all of this. rooted in
anger of the violence many
have inherited. stepping
back into feeling like people
only value me for
unwavering strength, like my 
vulnerability and humanity
are often afterthoughts.

this last week I practiced 
stepping in. stepping into a 
partnership with someone 
who lives their values, 
beyond the chants beyond 
the marches. stepping into
being perceived through the
lens of radical love. stepping
into every day care, nature's 
shades of green, and birds
who warn each other of
storms ahead. stepping into
softness, into the reason
why I keep stepping back in.

خانہ بدوش

خانہ بدوش
"Coming to Urdu from Farsi, ‘khaana badosh’ quite literally translates to describe people who carry their home on their shoulders (Khana = home and Dosh = shoulder), like nomads and gypsies moving from place to place." 

when you carry home on your shoulders

when you carry home on your shoulders

when you carry home on your shoulders

when you want to go home
when you carry home on your shoulders

when you spend a lifetime refining your core, not
because whiteness said your soft belly was a 
weakness, but to support your spine in sitting
straighter, standing taller than you're supposed to
when you carry home on your shoulders

when you know home as the deep breaths you take
to gather yourself in-between moments
when you carry home on your shoulders

when you carry home on your shoulders

when you carry home on your shoulders

when you carry home on your shoulders

the people and spaces where you can set down 
the home you carry on your shoulders

that is where you go in life when you want to go

خانہ بدوش

Lizzy's in a box.

the British Empire
stole so much from 
South Asia. stole
wealth, healthy, joy.

they stole lives. they
stole lives. they stole
lives. they stole lives.

and white
imperialist nations, 
including the US, 
continue to steal. 
steal futures, 
resources, water.

they steal lives. they
steal lives. they steal
lives. they steal lives.

while Pakistan is
drowning, Mississippi
has no water. while
South Asian families
drown, Black and Indigenous
families are in a 

because greed is
more important. 
because privileged
comfort is important.
because white settler
colonial states and
their supremacy
wrought violence,
taught violence, 
brought violence
upon us.