when you can’t, rest
February 27, 2021
Empath's Prayer
when you can’t, rest
Heavenly (Refrain)
i searched for you and
found damp, rich earth and thought i
might root for a while
sometimes it’s a whisper,
it’s whiskers, it’s so faint
everything briefly pauses
becomes irrelevant,
unimportant, uninteresting,
I hold my
so as not to disrupt, so
as not to startle, so as
not to break whatever
spell I had not known
sometimes it’s a howl,
it’s red eyes and distance
it’s patience and knowing
no one ever stands still
I catch my
so as to prepare, so
as to hold steady, so as
to cast whatever, any
spell I witnessed
sometimes it’s a story,
it’s the knowledge of
before, the hope of next
I release my
remembering how and
why I want to believe in
spells and magic and
What Color Do You Feel Right Now?
February 16, 2021
I'll show you the world
beneath the world when your
memory of it feels cold to the touch.
I Once...
I Believe That We Will Win / In Anger and In Hope
think you are until
you find your courage
February 9, 2021
Back Line
I want to apologize for
Sometimes, sometimes,
I daydream about not
being awake at all.